Pragmatic behaviour change in critical industries

Neuropower system

Our toolkit

Image of brain and neuroscience

At SMG, everything we do is based on the latest science about how to bring out the best in people. From the design of our projects and workshops through to our day-to-day activities, it’s all about being as ‘brain-friendly’ as possible.  



The foundation of our work is the NeuroPower system, an integrated model for understanding human motivation, interaction and performance. Developed by Peter Burow and a team of psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, behavioural economists, human resource professionals and health practitioners, NeuroPower integrates more than a dozen fields of study and over 50 different frameworks. 

Ultimately, NeuroPower helps highlight the simplicity that sits beyond the complexity of human behaviour.  

If you’re interested in any of the NeuroPower books or resources, click here


